Why People Hate Rockstar Games Now? *Real Truth*

Overview of Rockstar Games:

Now, if you're thinking that GTA 6 hasn't been released yet and that's why I'm going to bash Rockstar Games, then no. I mean, yes, but no. There are many other reasons why Rockstar Games get so much hate these days. I'll tell you 10.

Disclaimers and Personal Connection:

Now, it is necessary to add a disclaimer: yes, Rockstar has been making the best games in the industry, and I love their games. I admire the developers who work at Rockstar India. They are very good people who want to make games with good stories. But at the end of the day, Rockstar Games is a corporate company that has done a lot of things that make fans angry, and its responsibility lies mainly with the upper management of Rockstar and Take 2 Interactive. I'm not making this video to spread hate, but I want Rockstar to be like before. I grew up playing GTA games, and it feels terrible when the company that made your childhood so great does such shitty things.

Comparison of Past and Present:

If you look at Rockstar's past releases, then between 2001 and 2010, they released many different types of games like the GTA series, Bully, Manhunt, Midnight Club, Red Dead Redemption, and LA Noir. But on the other hand, if you look at the period from 2011 to 2020 or even today, you'll realize that they have worked on only two series: GTA and Red Dead. Yes, there was Max Payne 3 also, but it wasn't such a big deal, and the company itself has forgotten about RDR2 because now they have said that they are not going to bring updates for Red Dead Redemption Online. "Don't play if you don't want to." So, if you look at it, in the past 12 years, Rockstar's focus has been only on one thing, and that is GTA.

Critique of Lack of Innovation and Overmilking:

Wait, it sounds like they might have already released five to six games, but no. Only one game has come, which is GTA 5, and they've been milking it for the last 10 years. Rumors of Bully 2 and Agents were there, but they never came. I mean, leave GTA 6, at least make something new. Can't you create any new IP?

Recent Updates and Repetitive Content:

Another reason for hatred is their lack of creativity, which you might have started to notice in the recent update of GTA Online. See, I love the Cayo Perico Heist and the return of Franklin in the Contract DLC, but with the Drug Wars DLC, the missions they have added are quite repetitive, some of them being the exact copy of what they created back in 2013.

Re-Releases and Lack of Innovation:

GTA 5 was first launched on PS3 and Xbox 360, then on PS4 and Xbox One with a lot of improvements, and then on PC, which is mandatory for PC players. But now, for PS5? I mean, why? Yes, PS5 and Xbox Series players should also get to play the game, but charging them the full amount? I mean, what did these people think before re-releasing GTA 5?

Criticism of GTA Plus Subscription:

Firstly, they announced it as GTA 5 Expanded and Enhanced to build the hype but used 2013's trailer in that, and at the beginning of the trailer, it was written, "Welcome to Los Santos." Man, we never left it in the last nine years. How many times do we have to see the same thing? There was nothing expanded or enhanced. So that name was dropped, and the same GTA 5 was released on PS5, claiming it to have ray tracing. Keep on hearing it, one would think that finally, we aren't getting a graphics update. Perhaps they will make something similar to the ultra-realistic mods. But no, we only got ray-traced shadows, which doesn't even matter. What could be a bigger scam than this?

Issues with GTA Online and Role-Playing:

If you guys think that people love GTA Online, then no. Bro, no one likes it. Most people play GTA Online only when a new update arrives because apart from that, there's nothing. Repeating the same missions that you've done a thousand times. And even after that, a griefer will come and destroy your day with his alien vehicle.

Treatment of Modders and Lack of Innovation in Red Dead Online:

Talking about modders, do they get paid for their creations? No. They spent their precious time improving your old games and making them fun, just out of passion, without any expectation of money. They just wanted to make their favorite game better for other people. And what reward did they get for their passion? Court cases.


And with this, I want to conclude that they simply don't care. It doesn't matter to them if such videos are made or if people in the community are showering them with hatred. As long as their revenue and profit numbers are increasing, nothing matters to them. And to be honest, they have become so big that it seems they are disconnected from the community. You might ask why I created this video. Honestly, it's just out of frustration from a fan. First, they destroyed the GTA Trilogy.

Then they launched GTA Plusand now they have introduced a new GTA RP policy. Also, the updates coming to GTA Online have the same repetitive missions from 2013. So, I felt that this truth has to be kept in front of the audience about what is going on. And maybe now we have to accept that this is not the same company that it used to be 10 to 15 years ago.

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