Strange Encounters: Ten Remarkable Gaming Stories from April 2024


"Gaming is a weird world, and every month 
Swift Journeys gathers the weirdest, puts it all in one place for you, and revels in it like a weird cat in a dirty pile of laundry. Hi folks, it's Zaid Ikram, and today on 
Swift Journeys, we've got 10 weird gaming stories from April 2024.

Number 10

Starting at number 10, Katsuhiro Harada, the producer of "Tekken," has said that younger players of fighting games prefer team-based games rather than one-on-one, so they can shift the blame when they lose. Harada stated, "They're rarely eager to engage in one-on-one showdowns. Plus, because fighting games pit you by yourself against a single opponent, you have to accept all the responsibility if you lose. You can't blame someone else. 

In team-based shooters, when players win, they can say they won because of their contributions, but when they lose, it's because they got matched with a lousy team." While Harada makes a valid point, "Tekken 8" reached a million sales in just one month, twice as fast as its predecessor "Tekken 7," which remains the most successful title in the series, boasting about 12 million copies sold. This indicates a significant expansion of the "Tekken" user base, challenging the notion that younger players solely prefer team-based games.

Number 9

At number nine, 29-year-old Nolan Arbaugh, the first person to get the Neuralink implant, revealed that it has allowed him to play "Civilization VI." Arbaugh, a quadriplegic, expressed his excitement, stating, "It's crazy. It is. It's so cool. I'm so freaking lucky to be part of this." While the technology has immense potential to improve lives, concerns about privacy and access remain.

Number 8

Moving on to number eight, DRM company Denuvo introduced a new feature called TraceMark, which embeds an invisible watermark in leaked game footage to track and hold leakers accountable. While this may deter spoilers, it raises concerns about transparency and censorship, especially regarding pre-release content and consumer rights.

Number 7

At number seven, a modder repurposed a unique PS1 controller, shaped like a roulette wheel, into a pocket PlayStation, adding modern features like an SD card, internal battery, and USBC charging. This innovation showcases the creativity and nostalgia within the gaming community.

Number 6

Number six highlights a "Skyrim" speedrunning achievement, with a player defeating the Ebony Warrior in under 12 minutes, utilizing exploits and strategic gameplay. This record-breaking feat demonstrates the ongoing creativity and dedication of the gaming community.

Number 5

At number five, players of "Helldivers 2" surpassed the daunting task of killing 2 billion bugs within 12 hours, showcasing remarkable efficiency and coordination. This accomplishment reflects the collaborative nature of gaming communities.

Number 4

Number four introduces an upcoming game, "V.A. Proxy," where players can parry gravity itself, challenging traditional gaming mechanics and offering a unique gameplay experience.

Number 3

At number three, a former video game company executive suggested tipping developers as a means to supplement their income, sparking debate about fair compensation and labor practices within the industry.

Number 2

Number two humorously highlights CD Projekt Red's response to Ubisoft's claim of creating a "quadruple-A game," with CD Projekt Red jokingly aiming for "five A's," poking fun at industry standards and inflated marketing claims.

Number 1

Finally, at number one, Ubisoft faced backlash for revoking licenses from players of "The Crew," raising concerns about ownership rights and digital distribution practices. This incident underscores the ongoing debate about consumer rights and the impact of digital media on ownership.


As a bonus, Razer introduced the Cthulhu chair as an April Fools joke, adding a humorous touch to the gaming community.


That's all for today's roundup of weird gaming stories. Leave us a comment, and
 let us know what you think.Thank you very much for Reading. We'll see you next time, right here on Swift Journeys."

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